Magazine: Manager in the presidential seat of MNGSZ
One year ago András Krivács, owner/managing director of Hotel Fenyves in Baktalórántháza was elected the – first non-chef – president of MNGSZ (Hungarian Gastronomic National Association). We asked him about what he had managed to achieve from his goals.
The 36-year-old president told us that his principles had been accepted by the members of the association and by MNGSZ’s partners. He believes that he will be able to do away with the now ‘legendary’ animosity between MGE (Hungarian Gastronomy Association) and MNGSZ. Now the different units of MNGSZ know each other very well and the information chaos is over. The association has a new website and Facebook page, and relations are better with the press. As for trade issues, it is now much more difficult to earn the ‘Master’ title. 2013 will be the year of young people at MNGSZ, they will play a bigger role in the life of the association and MNGSZ will also help the work of educational institutions more actively. At the moment Mr Krivács thinks that he will run for presidency again one year from now.
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