Magazine: Homo Ludens – man the player
According to historian Johan Huizinga, ‘culture arises in the form of play’. His work, Homo Ludens (1938) discusses the importance of the play element of culture and society. Parents of today know really well that they should spend more quality time with their families and children.
The English proverb ‘The family who plays together stays together’ is absolutely true. Adrienne Nagy, commercial director with TCC informed us that 93 percent of mothers think that traditional playing and toys are key elements in the mental and physical development of children. In today’s rat race world parents work more and more, which makes the time they can spend with their families even more valuable. The IKEA Play Report reveals that 45 percent of parents feel they don’t have enough time to play with their children, despite that 73 percent of children like to play with their parents more than to watch TV. Classic and retro toys can bring family members closer to each other. Sales are increasing in the toy category and a growing number of promotions rely on the theme of play. Walt Disney regional director Péter Hellner told our magazine that popular, evergreen characters represent a feeling of safety and guarantee shared experiences for families – it is enough to think of Winnie-the-Pooh or the heroes in Star Wars. These figures can also be used efficiently in promotions. István Fehér, SPAR Hungary’s communications director reminded that they started using the Garfield figure in April 2011 and this also had to do with the outstanding success of SPAR’s sticker collection promotions. The Walt Disney Company has the most licensed characters in the world. Annual company turnover amounts to USD 42 billion. Disney has been present in Hungary for 20 years. Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm characters are also in Disney ownership so the company can target various groups, from babies to teenagers. Licence use is a fast and efficient way of calling attention to products in-store. This year the Christmas season will mainly be built around Disney channel series such as Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Princess Sofia, Violetta, Spiderman and Star Wars Rebels. From feature films snowman Olaf from Frozen, Cars and Planes characters will be put in the limelight. TCC creates its loyalty programme being aware of and relying on various trends. The company’s German affiliate conducted a study that made it clear: promotional campaigns involving sports and games/toys reach families much more than other types, thereby increasing sales and improving retail chains’ image. For example instant gifts related to amount spent influence basket value and composition. Often not only the family but friends and neighbours help collecting the various gifts, too. TCC mentioned the success of Ice Age 4 in German real stores and the Smurfs domino promotion in Hungarian Tescos as good examples. Consumers, especially children, never seem to get tired of Garfield. Garfield led SPAR’s various sticker collection campaigns, which weren’t simply great fun but educative as well. Children really like trading stickers (special surface and scented stickers are their favourites) and placing them in the album is a family programme, just like reading the interesting information about plants and animalsRelated news
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