Magazine: Vending machines: past, present and future
Estimation is that there are about 30,000-35,000 vending machines in Hungary. According to NGM decree 41/2014 (XII. 29.), operators are now obliged to pay a HUF 30,000 registration fee per machine. Most of these entrepreneurs sell coffee, drinks and snacks. There are exceptions, though: a few years ago a company started selling fresh apples from vending machines, 50 tons at annual level. In other parts of the world consumers can buy a wide range of products from vending machines, from caviar to Champagne to swimming trunks. The industry underwent great development in the last decade; the biggest breakthrough took place in Asia and the most innovative ideas also conceived there. If we take a closer look at the Horeca sector, we can see that vending machines can be the competitors of the fast food business. A few years ago health-obsessed Americans started fighting obesity with vending machines too. Mason high school in Cincinnati has installed vending machines that sell baby carrots in bags that look like those containing potato crisps.
(To be continued)
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