Magazine: METRO: 30-percent proportion for sales in promotion

By: trademagazin Date: 2012. 06. 22. 12:12

Yvette Krubl, communications manager of METRO Hungary told our magazine that the proportion of goods they sell in promotion is around 30 percent – about the same as last year. METRO uses a wide range of BTL tools and ATL activities as well. The company’s communication focuses on three target groups and METRO offers customised services and products to all of them. Long-term agreements have been signed with each partner – be it a manufacturer or an agency who prepares communication materials.

Annál jobb egy promóciós eszköz, minél több oldalról hat a fogyasztóra – ebben a promócióban a hatást a vásárló saját bőrén érzi

After each campaign METRO analyses sales data and uses the conclusions in the next campaign, but the company also does own research among its customers

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