Today we celebrate Logistics Day

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 04. 20. 09:22

This year, April 20, i.e. today, is Logistics Day. The event in Germany already has a history of more than a decade and a half, and our country joined the initiative for the first time 11 years ago. Due to the occasion, people interested in logistics can come across a number of programs at this time every year.

Logistics Day has been celebrated in Germany since 2007. Our country joined the initiative of the German Logistics Association (BVL) for the first time in 2012, thanks to which people interested in logistics have been able to meet numerous programs in Hungary for more than a decade. In addition, not only professional organizations, but also market players usually take an active role in the organization.

“People interested in the field can find logistics events here not only on Logistics Day, but also several times throughout the year. However, of course we also prepared for the important occasion, within the framework of which rural programs were organized this year”

said Dr. Zoltán Doór, president of the Hungarian Logistics Association (MLE).