The counter belongs to girls and ladies

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2021. 03. 08. 11:22
The number of employees in trade (wholesale, vehicle trade, retail together) is 598 thousand, of which 321 thousand are women, which is 54 percent – wrote.

Within this, there are 352 thousand people working in the shop world, 231 thousand of them are girls and women, so two thirds of them are the majority (66 percent). And those who work behind the counter salespeople, cashiers, chargers, warehousers, a total of 242,000, including 172,000 ladies and girls.
This is 71 percent, which is also respectable, especially considering that their work is not easy. And of the 27,000 part-time salesperson, 23,000 are girls and ladies. (KSH, March 8, 2021) (