Workers from 15 distant countries can now come to Hungary under simplified conditions

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 08. 05. 11:39

Employment in Hungary remains at a record level: in June 2022, the average number of employed persons exceeded 4.7 million people. At the same time, the labor shortage is a big challenge for Hungarian companies, which also hinders the performance of the economy. In response to the problem, at the end of July, the government expanded from nine to fifteen the range of distant countries from which workers can come to our country under reduced conditions.

According to the latest data from the KSH, in June 2022 the average number of employed people was 4 million 739 thousand – which practically means full employment. Based on this, the Hungarian labor market remains stable, so far there are no signs that the problems perceived or expected in other areas of the economy would affect the area of ​​employment. Rather, the labor shortage has been a growing challenge for Hungarian companies for years: there are no reserves in the domestic labor market in certain professions and fields, so foreign labor is needed to maintain and further increase production, investment rates and economic performance.

“In many professions with a shortage, we are no longer able to attract new employees to the labor market, even though there would be a demand for them from companies and enterprises. This is also supported by official statistics, according to which there are currently at least 65,000 open positions in Hungary, while according to some experts, the number of advertised positions currently reaches a hundred thousand. In order to further increase economic performance, maintain the investment rate and in many cases to protect already existing Hungarian jobs, it is necessary to employ foreign labor within a regulated framework, and this is increasingly being confirmed by the corporate sector”

– pointed out Péter Berta, managing director of the WHC Group.

WHC Csoport