KSH: an increase in trade surplus in January

By: trademagazin Date: 2014. 04. 02. 11:22

The exports in euro rose by 3.1 percent, while imports fell by 0.2 percent in January, compared with a year earlier. The export surplus rose to 482 million euros from the 274 million euros of last January – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) announced in its detailed report released on Wednesday.

kshThe preliminary datas released on 12 March forecasted an only 2.8 percent increase in exports and a 0.1 percent decrease in imports and forecasted a smaller export surplus of 461 million euros.

The volume of exports in January was 6.1, while the volume of exports imports was 3.6 percent higher than in 2013. The export price level measured in forint rose by 0.3 percent, while imports fell by 0.4 percent, while the forint against the euro, weakened by 3.0 percent against the euro and by 0.5 percent against the dollar. (MTI)

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