KSH: retail sales volumes grew in May by 2.2 percent
In May 2013, the volume of retail sales grew by 2.2 percent, according to the calendar-adjusted and unadjusted datas, compared to the same period last year – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday. This is 0.3 percentage points lower than the first flash estimate of 2.5 percent.
The retail sales datas of May show a significant slowdown, compared to the 3.1 percent growth of April, although statistics have not registered an increase before, for an entire year.
According to the first adjusted datas, the volume of sales in the food and food-related retail rose by 0.9 percent, while in the non-food retailing 1.9 increase occurred instead of the former forecasted 2.1 percent, while in fuel retailing an 5.5 percent increase occurred. The previous estimations were about 6.8 percent in fuel retailing. (MTI)
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