Creative partymakers – Video of the day
Red Paper Heart are a group of designers and coders that like to bring interactivity and animation together in a fun way. And by the look of things that do a swell job. Here’s a few words from Red Paper Heart about their interactive experience in water:
“Our desire was to create animations that party-goers could swim through. Initially we had no idea how to make this a reality. Pools are not exactly the most projection ready surface, and initial brainstorms produced many more challenges than we had anticipated. In researching a solution, we had to overcome the fact that projection doesn’t work on the surface of water, it becomes distorted if you project through it, and pool parties are notorious for more standing than swimming. To make something truly interactive, we needed to get everyone in that pool!
We reacted as any any normal person would, and promptly put in and order for 65,000 ping pong balls, enough to cover the entire surface of the pool. To go with our new screen, we created an application which mapped to the pool and displayed a floating river of graphics, pulled by an invisible tide. Audio reactive visuals bumped along with the various DJs and musical acts taking place poolside. The tactile quality of swimming through ping pong balls, combined with animated colors and light created an interactive event worth telling stories about.”
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