The data can be submitted directly to the National Soil Database

By: STA Date: 2023. 05. 30. 09:00

Nébih’s new service has been launched, which enables laboratories performing soil tests to send data directly to the National Soil Database. The WSDL description of the updated WEB-API service is available on the office’s website.

(Photo: Pixabay)

Nébih’s application programming interface (API) enables users of company and plant management software to integrate the modules required for various agricultural and food chain monitoring data services and other office administration into their own systems. The goal of the Nébih API is to make administrative tasks related to data services more fluid.

As the latest element of the office’s API services, the interface of the National Soil Database has been completed

In the case of the service that has already been activated, the possibility of testing and connection is constantly open for those concerned. In connection with the activation, Nébih also updated the WSDL description describing the WEB_API service of the National Soil Database, published at the end of last year. The document contains descriptions related to the operations for submitting the collected data to the National Soil Database and the API service.


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