Nearly two thousand people were skating for the polar bears on the weekend

By: trademagazin Date: 2013. 01. 29. 11:10

Nearly two thousand people were skating to preserve the habitat of the polar bears during the weekend at the City Park Ice Rink. This event is part of Coca-Cola’s and WWF’s joint campaign, which aims to raise awareness to the dangers of climate change, that is threatening  the habitat of polar bears and the whole world as well.

Saturday was about polar bears in the City Park Ice Rink. Nearly two thousand people wearing polar bear masks were skating and joined to the campaign that aims to protect the Arctic. The star performers of X-factor such as Oláh Gergő and Muri Enikő also took part at the event.
The Coca-Cola in 2013 and in the subsequent 2 years, supports WWF's work with 1-1 million euros. Anyone can join to the Hungarian campaign at the site.

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