Domestic melons arrive earlier this year

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 06. 17. 11:10

Hungarian melons hit the shelves first due to favorable weather. Thanks to the increase in the area, the amount that can be harvested will also increase this year: domestic producers are expected to harvest 140-160 thousand tons of watermelons and 10-12 thousand tons of cantaloupe in the summer.

Everyone’s favorite summer fruit – be it watermelon or cantaloupe – doesn’t have to wait long. Although melons from abroad, usually from Morocco or Greece, have been on store shelves since March, many people are waiting for tasty and high-quality domestic melons.

“The average annual melon consumption in Hungary is around 10 kg/person. In addition to domestic consumption, which is approximately 100-110 thousand tons, about 40-50 thousand tons can be exported, the largest part of which goes to the Polish, German, Czech and Slovak markets. Export is extremely important to us, as we can fully serve the domestic market with high-quality domestic goods. You cannot really sell more melons than this in Hungary. Fortunately, thanks to the growing export relations, you can expect that there will be a place to sell a significant part of Hungarian melons”

– explained Pál Lacházi, Syngenta melon specialist.

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