The future haunts

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2010. 11. 02. 21:40

GINNT EXPO, the Global Innovation Technologies Expo was held in the Syma hall from 15 until 17 September. GS1 Magyarország Zrt. organised the event for the second time in Hungary. Nearly 4,000 visitors showed up, to see the latest innovations in barcodes, signage and packaging technology, label manufacturing and business solutions. Innovation today brings success tomorrow. Although GS1 is a neutral, non-profit organisation active in the fields of global standardisation, automatic identification, electronic communication and tracking, it pays attention to innovation activity in related fields too. Stages in the supply chain were presented in a small cinema; the film’s message was that in the manufacturing process the key points of development were numbered, individual IDs, 1D and 2D codes and standardised electronic connections. In logistics radio frequency identification and other automatic tools were in the limelight. As for the latest sales trends, applications to increase food safety and traceability were in the centre of attention. Visitors had the opportunity to familiarise with the different stages of creating barcodes and QR codes by using GS1 standards. MasterPrint’s Signage solutions showed how codes are placed on products with different types of packaging. In the food sector cost-effective and inkjet signage solutions are used more frequently. When the packaged product leaves the production facility Vonalkód Rendszerház’s RFID-based logistics gates help in control and identification. Their devices and software are integrated into systems, adapted to customers’ programmes already in use. There is great demand for intelligent solutions in transportation too. Libra scales technology offers several solutions for checking freight, for instance with GS1 they developed a product dimension measuring device, which not only measures product weight but every other parameter as well. Data is transmitted to the GS1 Perfect database, one of the 22 networks in the world which are connected through the Internet-based GSDN. Szintézis Information Technology Zrt.’s Pricer electronic shelf label is updated from their central database and is available in three sizes. Pricer’s ESL system realises a two-way data flow, guaranteeing that prices are the same on the shelves and at the cash register. The company also presented its IBM Self-Checkout system, combined with Wanzl security gates. Origo Zrt.’s senior sales executive told us that the age of mobile marketing had downed: it is measurable, precisely targeted and makes instant database building possible. AltCash Cash Register Centre is the distributor of Samsung and SAM4S cash registers. In cooperation with Cellum Innovation and Services Zrt. they introduced a secure mobile payment system. Mobile Engine Software Developing and Operating Kft.’s profile is business process-supporting mobile applications; they showed how smartphones can be used from data collection, reporting or as a GPS tool. Mobilia-Artica Kft.’s giant digital poster not only shows 92” moving images, but its integrated camera is also capable of scanning the crowd and to adapt its content accordingly or to collect marketing data. The development was realised in cooperation with Laurel Information Technology Kft. and the device is perfect for promoting private label products, loyalty card programmes or for communicating brand messages. Laurel Kft. also introduced its business intelligence centre: the system is capable of detailed sales analysis of a shop or a product, presenting results of the examined period as a graph. ECR Hungary Association supported their pilot project, which revealed that a 3 percent reduction in stock shortage resulted in a 1-percent average increase in turnover. The Internet application makes it possible for a shop or chain of any size to join the system without significant investment. GINNT EXPO’s jury awarded the Nokia Innovation Prize to the smartAPPAREL solution of Smart ID Technologies Kft. and QID Solutions Kft.: the UHF RFID system was developed especially for fashion clothing retail chains. The smartAPPAREL system helps shoppers to choose the right product, makes the work of shop staff easier and guarantees a continuous control of store processes for company executives. A GS1 Open Day, ECR Hungary Association’s ‘Increasing efficiency in retail’ conference and the ‘Environmental product fee forum’ made the programme of the GINNT EXPO even more attractive.

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