The bulletin is out: this is the mandatory poster for store promotions

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 05. 19. 22:59

The mandatory in-store action aimed at reducing wartime food price inflation now includes the creation of posters that specify who should display them and where.

According to the decree issued by Minister Rogán Antal, who leads the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Office, the commercial establishments have been instructed to hang the provided posters in designated sizes and locations. The regulation, which is considered part of the implementation of measures to reduce food price inflation, requires hypermarkets, large supermarkets, supermarkets, discount stores, and retail stores with an area exceeding 200 square meters to display the informative posters at all customer entrances. The decree, published in the Hungarian Gazette on Friday, also defines the required dimensions for the placement of the posters. Furthermore, businesses engaged solely in parcel delivery and those with websites are obliged to publish the designated government information on their homepage.