K&H: be careful with your bank card even during vacation

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 06. 18. 09:19

Extra caution is also justified during vacations, whether it is a beach holiday or a foreign sporting event such as the European football championship or the Paris Olympics. In addition, you should be wary of incoming e-mails and text messages in which fraudsters try to persuade young people to click on a link or open an attachment.

Festivals, parties, beach falls, camps and many sports events offer unforgettable entertainment for young people in the summer. However, in order for the vacation after the end of the academic year to be really cloudless fun, it is worth handling the bank card and mobile phone suitable for payment with care, Péter Ádám Nagy, head of information security at K&H, pointed out, highlighting the 4+1 “pocket-friendly” advice. Many teenagers already have bank cards, so it is worth drawing their parents’ attention to the dangers.

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