K&H: responsible investments at the forefront

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 10. 15. 10:43

K&H achieved outstanding results with its responsible investment funds that also focus on ESG aspects in the competition of the Privátbankár specialist portal, the financial institution announced. Two funds – K&H Comfort Responsible Investment and K&H Eco Responsible Investment – won first place.

The K&H comfort responsible investment fund won first place in the category of Best Mixed Cautious ESG Funds, while the K&H Eco Responsible Investment Fund also won first place in the competition for Best Global Equity ESG Funds – reported by the Privátbankár.hu trade portal the financial institution on the results achieved in the organized competition.

In addition, the K&H Fund Manager came second in the ESG Fund Manager of the Year competition, so it is still at the forefront, as it won first place in the same category last year. “We are very happy about the recognition. The bank and all our employees are committed to sustainable, responsible investments,” said Tamás Ács, head of K&H Fund Management.

Barnabás Horváth, senior knowledge manager of K&H Alapkezelő, spoke about the future of sustainable investments and the role of responsible financial solutions in the panel discussion at the conference held on the occasion of the fund manager’s competition. Commenting on the awards, the specialist stated: “Our responsible investments focus on aspects such as environmental, social and good corporate governance, i.e. they hold shares of companies and government bonds in their portfolios that prioritize these aspects. Interest in sustainable investments is growing at the international and Hungarian level as well.”

The market players behind the responsible investment funds are selected by the K&H Fund Manager based on a very strict set of criteria; Based on the exclusion policy, for example, arms manufacturing companies, companies that extract fossil energy carriers, producers of animal skins and furs, and tobacco companies cannot be included in the portfolios.

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