Sun City expects two hundred thousand visitors

By: trademagazin Date: 2012. 05. 14. 10:25

The entertainment center in Balatonfüred, known as the Greek village will be developed further and will operate under the name; Sun City. The complex in this season expects two hundred thousand visitors – told Zámbó Attila, co-owner of the S.D. Park Üzemeltető Kft. to MTI.

He reminded that the company took over the operation of the center a year ago. Last year 110 thousand people visited the entertainment center.
The S.D. Park Management Ltd. did not provide informations about last year's datas, but this year plans a 30 to 40 percent revenue growth.

Seven bars, three discos, two restaurants and a 35-room “party hotel” will be opened in Sun City at the end of May. (MTI)

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