Contactless payment takes four seconds
You can add credit to your Metapay Festivalcard at 34 recharging points at Sziget, and pay at 1200 terminals. Two-hundred cashiers, 60 hostesses help you to use your Metapay-card.
Besides, in the background 40 people are helping you to make cashless payment even more comfortable, since this is the first time that a festival of this size is introducing cashless payment with the help of a worldwide unique software-system. Millions of transactions by several hundred thousands of visitors are going to take place continually, within seconds – in 2 to 4 seconds as an average. It was Sziget which offered the opportunity to test Metapay Festivalcards, and MasterCard was the sponsor making it all happen.
Sziget is going to introduce another innovative solution: an NFC-based mobile phone developed by Vodafone-Metapay, which enables mobile-based payment at card-paying terminals – in the beginning, this is just going to be an experiment. And this still not everything. Festivalwatch is on, too. Festivalwatch is a device created with a contactless (NFC) technology, so it is basically a rechargable Festivalcard built in a limited series, trendy watch, following the design elements of Sziget. Its owner will be able to pay with the help of it just as if it was a Festivalcard – in this case, on the bankcard-like terminal-screens you will not only see the amount of money you have spent but also the balance of your card. You can purchase the watch for 7 990 HUF at Sziget. This year, you will be able to buy minute-based festival-tickets, again, with the help of your mobile-phone. So, if you are only planning to see one or two of your favourite bands, you do not have to buy a ticket for the whole day, instead you can activate the minute-based Sziget-ticket which you can de-activate upon leaving the venue. Minute-based payment is supported by all three mobile-companies.
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