Coffee consumption: the Hungarians on the regional podium

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 30. 12:18

In Central Europe, the Czechs are the biggest coffee consumers, but they are only slightly ahead of the Hungarians. On the occasion of World Coffee Day on September 29, MOL collected the coffee consumption habits of travelers visiting filling stations in Hungary and other countries in the region.

Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia – this is how the regional coffee consumption ranking currently looks based on the consumption statistics of MOL filling stations for the first eight months of 2024.Between January and August of this year, more than 40 million cups of coffee were sold at MOL filling stations, that is, people living in the region consumed more than 120 cups of coffee every minute.

An interesting addition is that Marco Rossi, the captain of the Hungarian national football team and the coffee ambassador of Fresh Corners, clearly pulls the average up, at least when it comes to coffee: he is known to consume up to 6-7 cups a day.

“I’ve talked about it several times that Italians and Hungarians have a lot in common. It has now been proven that among them is the high consumption of coffee – even if the type of coffee consumed in Hungary is quite different from that typical in Italy”

– emphasized the Italian specialist, referring to the fact that his personal favorite, the Mogyorós Praliné Cappuccino, also appeared in the seasonal offer in the spring, made from his favorite type of coffee and with his favorite chocolate flavoring.

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