Consumer sentiment improved in the euro area and the EU in June

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2020. 06. 22. 11:08
In June, consumer sentiment in the euro area and the EU rose slightly more than expected, according to a survey by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG EcFin).

According to DG EcFin’s preliminary data survey, the consumer sentiment index in the euro area improved to minus 14.7 points in June from minus 18.8 points in the previous month instead of the expected minus 15.0 points. In the EU, the sentiment index rose by 3.9 points from the previous month to minus 15.6 points in June.

Despite the improvement, the value of the indicator is still below the long-term average in both regions, which is minus 11.1 points for the euro area and minus 10.5 points for the EU. (MTI)

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