Anniversary 20th European Trade Day (with video)

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 10. 10. 12:15

The 20th, anniversary edition of the European Trade Day was held. The event organizer, VOSZ, once again aimed to highlight the strategic importance of the Hungarian retail sector. The main patron of the event was Márton Nagy, Minister of National Economy – with professional patron Bence Gerlaki, Deputy Secretary of State for Economic Development Strategy and Investment.

Christel Delberghe, Secretary General of EuroCommerce

This year’s European Trade Day held special significance, as Budapest hosted the EuroCommerce off-site board meeting. International retail sector representatives, including Juan Manuel Morales, President of EuroCommerce, and Secretary General Christel Delberghe, celebrated together with leaders of the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers, discussing the current state of the retail sector as well as future challenges and opportunities.

In her speech at the event, Christel Delberghe, Secretary General of EuroCommerce, emphasized the importance of the retail sector to the European economy: “Our sector is dynamic, innovative, and quick to adapt to change. We are Europe’s largest private sector employer, providing 26 million jobs, which accounts for one in seven jobs in the European Union. We represent over 5 million businesses, 99% of which are small and medium-sized enterprises. Our sector contributes 10% of European GDP and plays a vital role in local communities.”

Delberghe also addressed the challenges facing the retail sector, highlighting the impact of global competition, supply chain disruptions, inflation, and the cost-of-living crisis. She pointed out the sector’s need for significant investments in sustainability and digitalization, citing an EuroCommerce study indicating that up to €600 billion in investment may be needed by 2030 to transform the sector.

“Europe needs a well-functioning single market that benefits everyone. Market fragmentation leads to higher prices and fewer choices for consumers and hampers innovation. This needs to change!”

László Krisán, President of the VOSZ Retail Division

– said Delberghe.

László Krisán, President of the VOSZ Retail Division, represented the Hungarian retail sector in his speech, acknowledging the significance of domestic and European trade: “It is a great honor for me to stand before you on European Trade Day, to celebrate and recognize the outstanding importance of Hungarian and EU trade. This day is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our role, achievements, challenges, and future opportunities.”

Krisán also highlighted the significant economic impact of the retail sector: “In 2023, the Hungarian retail trade amounted to a total of 19,430 billion HUF, which translates to a turnover of 37 million HUF per minute. In the EU, trade contributes more than 10% to GDP, while in Hungary this share exceeds 11%, making the sector one of the largest taxpayers.”

Dr. Márton Nagy, Minister of National Economy.

At the event, Márton Nagy, Minister of National Economy, also delivered a speech, announcing that a National Trade and Consumer Protection Authority will be established from January 1, 2025. “The new authority will have four main responsibilities: supporting trade policy, consumer protection, food safety supervision, and conducting certain laboratory tests,” the minister announced. He also spoke about the challenges facing the government’s measures, emphasizing that instead of criticism, the retail sector should focus on providing cheaper and better products for Hungarian families.

László Perlusz, Secretary General of VOSZ

László Perlusz, Secretary General of VOSZ, also addressed the event, expressing his gratitude for the hard work of retail employees and emphasizing that trade is the engine of the economy.

Juan Manuel Morales, President of EuroCommerce, was also present at the event, emphasizing that the challenges facing the European trade sector require a joint solution, and that EU-level cooperation is crucial for a successful future.

European Trade Day 2024 was a successful and inspiring event that not only celebrated the sector’s achievements but also provided a platform for discussing challenges and exploring future opportunities. Hosting the EuroCommerce off-site meeting in Budapest was an excellent opportunity for industry leaders to meet in person, share experiences, and work together to shape the future of trade.

A professional roundtable discussion closed the event

Our partners included all major national trade advocacy organizations: such as the National Trade Association (OKSZ), the Hungarian National Trade Association (MNKSZ), the Hungarian Shopping Centers Association (MBSZ), the National Federation of Consumer Cooperatives and Trade Associations (ÁFEOSZ), and the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK).

Our sponsors this year also included KAVOSZ Széchenyi Card Program Zrt., CO-OP Hungary Zrt., SPAR Hungary, TESCO-GLOBAL Zrt., dm Kft., Auchan Hungary Kft., Penny Market Kft., Lidl Hungary Bt., Aldi Hungary Food Bt., and Zwack Unicum Plc.

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