Good news for companies: energy subsidies also come for central heating

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 10. 07. 07:55

The energy subsidy also comes after the district heating bills: in addition to their electricity and gas consumption, manufacturing SMEs can apply for non-refundable subsidies to partially offset the increase in costs resulting from the use of district heating – the Ministry of Technology and Industry (TIM) told MTI on Friday.

Applicants must commit to making energy efficiency investments by the end of 2024

They wrote that the energy crisis caused by the protracted war and the failed Brussels sanctions led to a drastic price increase in Europe. The government protects families by reducing utilities up to the level of average consumption. A support program aimed at keeping energy-intensive small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing industry, which are most exposed to harmful effects, helps them stay afloat, they wrote.

According to the information, companies will be able to request a state contribution for half of the increase in their fourth-quarter overhead costs. By amending the invitation, in addition to the surplus of electricity and gas bills, it was also possible to partially take over the increased district heating expenses.

Applicants must commit to making energy efficiency investments by the end of 2024. In the program, non-refundable support can be requested to supplement the self-reliance related to the development loan.