Soaring cereal prices

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 04. 26. 19:44

AKI logoAccording to PÁIR data from the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI), on the fourth week of March wheat’s price (without VAT and transportation costs) was HUF 117.7 thousand/tonne, 59% higher than in the same period of 2021. For feed corn buyers had to pay HUF 117.1 thousand/tonne, as the price jumped 62%. Rapeseed’s production price was HUF 269.7 thousand/tonne, having grown by 43%, while sunflower seed was sold at HUF 264.1 thousand/tonne – the price increase here was 78%.

In the first two months of 2022 91 thousand tonnes of poultry was slaughtered in Hungary, 19% less than in January-February 2021. The Central Statistical Office (KSH) has reported that Hungary’s poultry meat export fell 3.1% to 17 thousand tonnes in January 2022 if compared with the first month of 2021. Our poultry meat import grew by 22.8% to 6.4 thousand tonnes in the same period. Broiler chicken’s live weight production price jumped 35.9% to HUF 350/kg.//