Tobacco situation in the world
Around 6 million people may die each year worldwide staring in in 2010 because of smoking and tobacco related disease, according to the World Health Organization including over 438,000 Americans, 650,000 Europeans and 1.2 million people in China.
Tobacco use will kill 1 billion people worldwide in the 21st century if current smoking trends continue.
6.6 billion people are on this planet and 1.3 billion are smokers, the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) and the World Lung Foundation (WLF) told the 38th Union World Conference on Lung Health.
66 percent of all smokers live in just 15 countries, according to The Union and the WLF.
1.8 billion young people aged of 10 to 24 smoke cigarettes, according to the World Health Organization.
* More than 85 percent of these young smokers live in developing countries (WHO).
One billion men and about 250 million women use tobacco every day around the world, according to a study presented at the 14th World Conference on Tobacco or Health.