The government is providing more funds for village shops this year than last year

By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 01. 17. 11:21

The government will provide more resources for the Hungarian Village program in 2025 than last year, the government commissioner responsible for the development of modern settlements announced in a video posted on his social media page.

Alpár Gyopáros said in the video: for the first time, civil society organizations operating in small settlements will be provided with the opportunity to apply for the Village Civil Fund, with a significant budget of 5 billion forints.

He drew attention to the fact that this year too there will be a tender for the infrastructure development of local governments of settlements with a population of 5,000 or less.

According to the government commissioner, one of the most interesting support opportunities is the tender for urban road and sidewalk renovations, which is why the government is spending 10 billion forints for this purpose alone; the tender can be expected to be announced in the first half of the year.

He continued: there is still a great demand for applications supporting high-quality task performance, therefore, 10 billion forints will be provided for, among other things, the development of kindergartens, medical clinics, community spaces, the purchase of village buses, and equipment purchases.

Alpár Gyopáros emphasized that the renovation of lower-level roads and the creation of safe transport infrastructure remain priorities for the government, so 10 billion forints can be used to improve the secondary road network affecting small settlements.