Fishing tourism center will be built in Tiszaroff

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2020. 07. 09. 10:14

A fishing tourism center will be built from domestic sources in Tiszaroff, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County, for 365 million HUF, the mayor of the settlement told MTI on Tuesday.

Vankóné Jekli Anikó (independent) said: the 365 million HUF non-refundable grant was won at the tender of the Ministry of the Interior.

The fully supported investment will be carried out by the LAD-ÉP Kft. In Tiszaszentimre. If all goes according to plan, the permits will be available next spring, and the new fishing tourism center could start operating in May. They are confident that by 2022 it will be able to operate at full capacity, the mayor explained. (MTI)