Watch a 'Chilling' video on aviary's ice program
When the Aviary opened, it wasn't just their acclaimed drinks that had people talking. The ice program, with numerous types ice for various drinks, was something Chicago had never experienced. Now that the Fulton Market cocktail lounge has undergone some changes, with beverage director Charles Joly and sous chef Micah Melton behind much of the new drinks, videographer Christian Seel put together this new video about the ice program.
Melton says they can have anywhere from 25 to 35 different types of ice that are crafted in the ice room in the bar's basement prep area by “the ice guy.” “About 80 percent of it is to add flavor,” he says. “It adds a different element as it melts.” He explains you have to start with good water to have good ice. They'll chip ice, shave ice, use blast freezers and “a lot of toys,” Joly says. Ready to play?
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