Facing the challenge in New York – part 16
Roland Oláh, formerly the chef of Café Erté, has been working in the USA since July 2009. He regularly reports to our magazine: ‘I feel lonely because I work a lot and I am alone. Luckily at home everything is alright, which gives me great strength. Nothing changes in the restaurant, I am on good terms with the maitres and often they are the ones who help me cope with hard times. The restaurant works at full throttle on weekends. Weeks and months pass by slowly and good things happen too: I was invited to participate in Hoventa, where I would cook at Trade magazin’s stand with my good friend Daniel. I break the news to Jacques and he is not happy, but finally approves of my leave. He never takes days off. The guys ask me whether I am afraid that I will not have a job when I return. Well, if he finds another fool like me who does this much work without any support, he can take him on instead of me. At Hoventa it was a great feeling that many chef friends visited me at the stand. Last evening Lajos Bíró treated us to a spectacular degustation menu and Lajos Takács welcomed us at the chef’s table. My rapid visit to Budapest was over quickly but it was eventful.’
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