Baths join forces

By: trademagazin Date: 2009. 07. 14. 00:20

The leaders of the baths of North and the South Plains, Transylvania and Vajdaság have signed a cooperation agreement. The objective is to get a greater slice from the European bath market.

Ten years ago 25 baths of Békés, Csongrád and Bács-Kiskun county joined forces to develop the bath culture of the region. The cooperation has been broadened since. In 2004 the Thermalcluster of the Southern Plain founded, which is the forum of the co-operation of baths, accommodations, health institutions and research workshops.
Now, however, the agreement became tighter by a quadrilateral agreement. In this way, on the Great Hungarian Plain – which is registered as a sample area of tourism in the European Union – more than a 150 baths will jointly try to get more slices from the European bath market – reports Origo.

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