The first tobacconists soon got used to the using of online cash registers

By: trademagazin Date: 2013. 07. 01. 11:52

Two tobacco shops, one in Ercsi and one in Budapest were the pioneers of the new tobacconist system. While most of the tobacconist have left the opening to the last minute, these tobacconist have decided to help others with their experiences – the Magyar Nemzet wrote. The cash register system works reliably.

It was a risky business move to open the national tobacco shops before 1 July, since the price margin only increases to 10 percent from 15 July, so the now sold tobacco products are less profitable to sell – Magyar Nemzet wrote. However, the tobacco shop in Ercsi, opened by Lőwinger Ildikó has opened on 17 June, the first in the country. She decided to start early, because until 1 July she wants to prepare and to experience the initial difficulties. This compensate her for the lower initial profits.

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