LG’s transceiver module developed for Volkswagen has received a hacker-proof certificate

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 08. 28. 11:02

The V2X (vehicle-to-everything) solution developed by LG Electronics (LG) for Volkswagen, which enables communication between vehicles and their environment, received the Common Criteria (CC) certificate, an internationally recognized standard in the field of IT security, in the V2X category the first in the world. This achievement further strengthens LG’s leadership position in the global vehicle parts market and highlights the company’s advanced capabilities in vehicle cyber security, an area that is becoming increasingly important in the age of connected cars.

The new CC certificate was awarded to a telematics transceiver module that LG developed specifically for the MQB platform, which is the basis of VW’s vehicles equipped with an internal combustion engine. CC certification indicates that the device provides comprehensive protection against unauthorized access or tampering. The module also met the strict security standards set by the Spanish National Cryptology Center (CCN) and was awarded Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 2+.

V2X technology allows vehicles to communicate with various systems, devices and technologies in their environment, including other vehicles (V2V), elements of the transport infrastructure (V2I) and – via smartphones – pedestrians (V2P). Without strong security solutions, V2X devices and networks could become targets for hackers, which could even lead to traffic congestion, accidents, or data leaks. Thus, by proactively acting against V2X security threats, LG ensures that its advanced telematics vehicle components comply with increasingly strict European safety standards, thereby guaranteeing peace of mind for drivers and passengers.

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