If in-store, go for Win-store!
Even though Win-Store Media Consulting Ltd was only launched this year, they already have significant campaigns behind like the one with Red Bull, OTP, Erste Bank, with chains like Tesco, Interspar, Spar – not to mention the first international campaigns.
“The major purpose of our company is to say goodbye to old habits and offer unique media surfaces to advertisers, in various retail units – director Judit Molnár pointed out. “Besides traditional in-store devices, we are opening new chains for advertisers, and support them with individual consultation to find the best way to promote the given product in a certain context. With new products, we often help our clients with the entire marketing-concept.”
Win-Store Media is in charge of the planning of campaigns, production of commercial tools, coordinating the placement and paying attention to the details of the campaign from the first to the last minute of the project, not only in Hungary, but also in all neighbouring countries.
Since the launch of the company in spring, the range of services by the company is going through a significant expansion, among other things they are present with unique solutions like the tobacco box, available in all bigger retail chains such as Tesco, Interspar, Spar, Kaiser’s, Match, Coop and Reál stores. The company helps the process of the entire campaign for certain oustanding partners, thus they have supported several partners for loyality, both in the areas of display and planning-production, plus also when it comes to media purchases.
In the stores of Metro Commercial Ltd., as an exclusive partner, Win-Store Media is in charge of all in-store media-surface sales. For the first time on the Hungarian market, the company has opened up in the direction of DIY stores and petrol station networks, moreover the list of future partners is growing rapidly.
“We are happy to say that we have quite a few successful campaigns behind us. Right now, we are in the process of realizing projects with Red Bull and OTP, and there is a serious campaign revolving around the Invisible Exhibition, just to mention a few of our major projects” – the director points out.
One of the company's 2012 goal is to expand the circle of co-operating partners and media-surfaces on sales, in Hungary as well as abroad. The company's first campaign series were launched in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia. Our mediapartners in Hungary and abroad are all experienced experts, companies the company has strong bonds with, happy to welcome Win-store on the market. Nw they all are in the opinion: if in-store, go for Win-Store!
Win-Store Media Consulting Ltd.
CEO Molnár Judit
Phone: + 36 30 348 4620
E-mail: office@win-store.hu
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