Gyulai Húskombinát: liquidation, not state ownership?

By: trademagazin Date: 2012. 09. 11. 12:10

Everyone was waiting for the state ownership in the Gyulai Húskombinát (Meat plant of Gyula) – compared to this it was classified as a strategic priority organization, which is the category of bankruptcy protection.

The State acquires forty-nine percent share in the Gyulai Húskombinát – unconfirmed news strenghtened this standpoint before the cabinet meeting on 29 August. After the meeting Rural Development Minister Fazekas Sándor quite succinctly talked about the company: praised its past, and mentioned that it employs 420 employees, so the state classifiea it as a strategic priority organization expressing that the government will do everything to save the Hungarian meat industry and the company. (Tanács Gábor,

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