Groupama: Young people say that 22 million HUF savings should be enough for a calm old age

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2017. 10. 04. 11:03

Young people between the ages of 18 and 29 expect to retire at the age of 66 and spend an average 18 years as retirees. They estimate that savings of 22 million forints would provide them a financially stable old age – according to a survey of Groupama Insurance Co. The results were sent to MTI on Tuesday.

The nationwide, representative survey was conducted by the NRC Marketing Research and Consulting Ltd. on behalf of the insurance company, among the 18-59 age group, by interviewing 1000 people.
According to the report, it is also apparent from the study that 39 percent of those who have retirement savings are starting to save before the age of 30 and young people spend an average of 11,000 forints per month for this purpose. (MTI)

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