GfK-Ipsos: Those with the highest social-financial status listen to more radio than ever before
This October was the time when those who spend the most money on shopping and are in the highest social-financial status spent the most time listening to the radio. In October 2010 – on an average weekday or average Saturday, Sunday – 88.3 percent of Hungarian citizens over 15 listened to the radio on a daily basis. This means that 7 516 000 persons listened to the radio, and the average time spent on this activity was 3 hours and 50 minutes – GfK-Ipsos pointed out in its new survey.
Peaktimes during the change have not gone through a major change though, people appear to start listening to the radio when they leave for work, and the morning peaktime turns out to be a bit later than before, at 9.45 am. Early afternoon peaks are similar to that of September, it starts at 2 pm and is over at 4 pm.
A rádióhallgatás napi görbéje az előző őszi hónapot tekintve hasonló képet mutat, azaz a hallgatási görbe a munkába indulás időszakát követve kezd emelkedni, míg a délelőtti csúcspont a múlt hónaphoz képest kicsit későbbre, 9:45-re tolódott el. Hasonló képet mutat a koradélutáni hallgatottság is a szeptemberi hónaphoz viszonyítva, amely 14 órakor kezd növekedni és 16 óra után pedig fokozatosan csökkenni.
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