GfK: meat varieties on top of the popularity list

By: trademagazin Date: 2013. 09. 10. 12:37

Our compatriots like and often prefer to consume meat. According to the datas of GfK Hungária, the poultry and pork consumption’s popularity is similar, while the popularity beef and venison declines. In particular, in the latter two categories a difference can be observed among the consumers' level of education and income status.

97 percent of the Hungarians like poultry, while 89 percent of them like pork also. With this value poultry is the second, and pork is the tenth most popular among all food products – GfK Hungária’s analysis on eating habits shows. 97 percent of the Hungarians linke beef, (35th place).  Venison is preferred by 40 percent of the Hungarians (47th place), which is a less prominent place in the list of favorites.


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