Gala dinner
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the guild’s foundation, on 5 November a gala evening was held in Hotel Gottwald in Tata, where László Jakabffy, the president of the organising committee told our magazine that it was high time MVI revived this old tradition as the profession is currently going through positive changes. The gala evening’s biggest attraction was the dinner, prepared by an all star team of Hungarian chefs. Courses were made from domestic ingredients only and accompanied with matching wine specialities. Contributing chefs were: Attila Bicsár, Alabárdos; Szilárd Gottwald, Hotel Gottwald; László Jahni, Kistücsök; György Katona, Biarritz; Lázár Kovács, Lázár Chef; Sándor Nyíri, Arany Kaviár; Zoltán Vidák, Rókusfalvy Fogadó and master confectioner Antalné Petrezselyem.
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