FruitVeB: VAT on fruits and vegetables should be reduced!

By: trademagazin Date: 2011. 09. 22. 13:10

The Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Inter-professional Organization and the Product Board (FruitVeB) calls for the VAT reduction of vegetables and fruits, and they willing to see that these products would be included among the basic foodstuffs beside milk, bread and meat – told Mártonffy Béla, chairman of the FruitVeB to MTI on Thursday.

According to the expert; fruits and vegetables are essential for healthy nutrition, therefore the reduction of VAT would be important. On the other hand, currently this sector is hit by the illegal market the worst in Hungary. According to Mártonffy Béla, the proportion of black economy in this area is an average of 40 percent, but seasonally it can be up to 50-60 percent – reports MTI.

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