A French expert from the Crimean Peninsula

By: trademagazin Date: 2014. 05. 12. 09:55

VinCe Budapest is one of the Hungarian capital’s biggest wine events and this year it brought us Fabien Lorenzon, the French champagne master of Abrau-Durso Winery in the Crimean Peninsula and his colleague, managing director Nuno Terrano. The winery was established in 1870 and they first invited French champagne masters in 1905 to produce better quality sparkling wine. Abrau-Durso Winery is an official supplier of the Kreml and this year they plan to export 24 million bottles. Their products aren’t available in Hungary yet but they would like to enter our market. The masters introduced four of their sparkling wines and told that they will also start making wine soon, in September they are going to come out with 500,000 bottles of white and red wine.

Francia szakember a Krimbol 1

Francia szakember a Krimbol 2

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