FEOSZ: airlines cannot avoid responsibility for canceled flights

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 06. 28. 10:45

This summer, there are even more consumer complaints in air transport than usual, which is why the National Association of Consumer Protection Associations (FEOSZ) draws the attention of airlines to comply with the current legislation of the European Union in order to enforce the rights of passengers.

FEOSZ writes in its statement sent to MTI that in recent weeks, chaos affecting a wide range of passengers has developed at European airports, while several of the airlines have tried to evade their clear responsibility. In some cases, the airlines do not adequately inform consumers, either through the available electronic options or by the on-site staff at the airport. The government office acting as a consumer protection authority has also initiated proceedings against several airlines, they noted.

FEOSZ therefore strongly draws the attention of airlines to the relevant European Parliament Regulation 261/2004 “on the establishment of common rules for the compensation and assistance to be provided to passengers in the event of denied boarding and flight cancellations or long delays, and on the repeal of Regulation 295/91/EEC and Council Decree” to comply with the rules.