50 percent occupancy for hotels

By: trademagazin Date: 2008. 11. 16. 08:00

The total number of nights spent by foreign and domestic guests in commercial places of accommodation remained unchanged in the January-August 2008 period, compered to 2007. Revenues were up by only 1 percent. While the number of foreign guests was up by 4 percent, the number of nights showed hardly any change. The number of guests from Germany, Austria, USA and Italy was down, whereas the number of guests arriving from the UK and Romania rose significantly. Five and three star hotels increased their sales, while other categories declined. Regarding the purpose of the visit, 29 percent of all guests arrived for business or conference, while 11 percent came for health and medical programs. Only 28 percent of guests used travel agencies for booking accommodation, while the proportion of guests booking online was also 28 percent. The average occupancy rate for hotels was 50 percent in the above period. The number of nights spent in the Balaton region was down by 1 percent in the January-August period, compared to 2007, while it stagnated in Budapest. Gross revenues generated by commercial places of accommodation totalled HUF 165 billion in the above period, with room revenues accounting for HUF 95 billion. Prices were up by 8 percent on average, compared to the same period in 2007.

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