With this method, we can get plums much cheaper

By: STA Date: 2022. 08. 22. 21:30

You can already see a lot of plum trees in Hungary, which are crumbling from the ripe fruit, and although the domestic fruit has already appeared on the markets, we do not have to buy it from there or from the shops at all costs. There are many “pick-your-own” plum orchards in Hungary, where guaranteed fresh plums are offered at a price below the “store” price, i.e. roughly HUF 100-300 per kilogram.

If someone wants to buy plums cheaper than the store price, they have to work for it (Photo: Pixabay)

In Hungary, plums are currently grown on 6,000 hectares, but in the last five years, the area under cultivation in our country has decreased by 500 hectares, which was caused by market, technology, variety use and weather problems together – the Agricultural Sector learned from the National Chamber of Agricultural Economy. They added that these are serious problems for domestic plum producers not only in recent years, but also now. At the same time, since no serious spring frost damage occurred this year, as in recent years, we can expect an average yield. NAK highlighted that, although a crop estimate has not yet been prepared for 2022, around 60,000 tons of plums are forecast. The export volume of various plum products has decreased significantly in recent years and has now become almost marginal – the Chamber of Agriculture informed our newspaper. We imported 1.3 kilograms of fresh plums in 2021, while exports were around 3.3 million. On the other hand, 816,000 kilograms of prunes entered the country, while 209,000 kilograms were exported. The largest quantity of fresh plums comes to our country from Spain, while table plums come from Chile and Serbia. Hungary’s main export market is Germany, but the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania are also important.

How much do plums cost now and where can we get them cheaply?

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