This is what Hungarians order online when the weather is good

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 06. 03. 11:55

According to the latest data, the weather has a significant impact on shopping habits in Hungary and neighboring countries. Based on data from Árukereső.hu, with the approach of warm weather, Hungarian consumers increased their interest in car sunshades fivefold, fans, vaporizers and insect repellents fourfold, and mosquito nets threefold. Demand for flower stands and mobile air conditioners also doubled.

On the Slovak and Czech markets, there was an outstanding interest in outdoor and garden products. In Slovakia, demand for cutting heads for tools increased tenfold, while hammocks, garden umbrellas and pool covers also proved popular. In the Czech Republic, demand for air conditioners, picnic blankets and children’s pools jumped significantly.

Interest in children’s sandals and lawn sprinklers in Bulgaria, garden chairs and bird feeders in Slovenia, children’s shoes and trampolines in Croatia, and garden chairs in Romania has increased. In Serbia, there was a threefold increase in demand for women’s clothes.

With the arrival of cold weather in Hungary, interest in radiators, thermostats and electric heating panels has doubled. The demand for boilers in Slovakia, stoves in Croatia, heating system accessories in Slovenia increased, while in Bulgaria the demand for heat pumps and stoves more than doubled. In the Czech Republic, stoves were the fifth most popular.

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