This is why Hungarians are tired in the summer

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 07. 15. 10:59

Global warming causes an average of 44 hours of sleep loss per year, according to an international study. Half of Hungarians sleep even worse than the EU average, and existing sleep problems intensify in the summer. We have new technologies and bedroom accessories for the new challenges of climate change and to overcome the insomnia of the heat wave. The compilation of JYSK and the Hungarian Sleep Association reveals how summer nights can be more relaxing.

If ambient temperatures continue to rise, higher nighttime temperatures could potentially cause 50 to 58 hours of lost sleep by the end of the century, according to research examining the effects of global warming. Researchers at the University of Tokyo determined the exact temperature above which the daily frequency of sleep disorders increases. When the daytime minimum temperature rises above 24.8 degrees Celsius, more and more people experience sleeping problems. According to research, sleep disorders caused by heat are similar to the health-damaging effects of heat stroke. Inadequate sleep can lead to mood disorders, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks and many other health problems. Genetics, lifestyle and environmental influences also play a role in our sleeping habits. In summer, the longer days and the oppressive heat also make it difficult to fall asleep, JYSK and the Hungarian Sleep Association draw attention to. The two organizations are working in a strategic partnership to show what habits and tools can help us to sleep well.

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