Eurostat: packaging waste produced by EU residents decreased in 2022

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 10. 24. 12:04

In the European Union, 83.4 million tons of packaging waste were generated in 2022, 186.5 kilograms per inhabitant, which is 3.6 kilograms less than the 2021 figures, but an increase of 31.7 kilograms compared to 2012, the Statistical Office of the European Union announced, Eurostat on Thursday.

According to the report of the EU statistical office, 41 percent of all packaging waste generated in the Union in 2022 was made up of paper and cardboard, 19 percent of plastic, 19 percent of glass, 16 percent of wood and 5 percent of metal.

Each EU resident produced an average of 36.1 kilograms of plastic packaging waste in 2022, of which 14.7 kilograms were recycled. In ten-year terms, between 2012 and 2022, the amount of plastic packaging waste generated per person increased by 7.6 kilograms, and its recycled amount by 4 kilograms.

41 percent of the plastic packaging waste generated in EU member states was recycled in 2022, which is a slight increase compared to 2012, when this ratio was 38 percent.

Among the member countries, Slovakia had the highest recycling rate of 60 percent, followed by Belgium (54 percent), Germany and Slovenia (both 51 percent). On the other hand, the lowest rate was recorded in Malta, where 16 percent of plastic packaging waste was recycled, followed by Denmark (23 percent), France and Austria (both 25 percent), the EU statistics office said.

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