European Waste Reduction Week: 10 percent of the food ends up in the trash

By: trademagazin Date: 2014. 11. 24. 11:10

In the Hungarian households,10 percent of the purchased food ends in the trash. With conscious purchasing and consumption a family could save an average of 50 thousand HUF per year – V. Németh Zsolt, Minister of State, responsible for Environmental Affairs said in Budapest on Monday.

elelmiszerhullV. Németh Zsolt took part at an unconventional P.E. lesson at the Pesti Barnabás Food Industry Vocational School in the scope of the European Waste Reduction Week. The ministry would like to draw attention to stop food waste and to prevent collecting food waste and – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM informed MTI. According to surveys one-third of the global food products; 1.3 billion tonnes are wasted every year. (MTI)

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