EPR system: difficulties and challenges for companies

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 23. 12:12

A year ago, companies were just getting to know the EPR (extended producer responsibility) system, but today it has become clear that compliance with the new rules is a serious challenge for most companies. In parallel with the introduction of the EPR, the product fee obligation (KVTD) remained in force, which imposes a significant administrative burden on businesses. The system proved to be more complicated than the product fee, and many companies found it difficult to meet the new requirements.

The first EPR declarations were made in October last year, but according to experience, many companies could only fulfill the registration and data provision obligations late or not at all. Many questions arose during the provision of data, to which there were not always clear answers, and the constant changes in legislation made adaptation even more difficult.

The EPR system has undergone continuous development, but many contradictions and unclear questions still remain. In particular, the parallel application of the EPR and the product fee causes a headache, since the two systems require similar data. Although the fee payment obligation arises only once during the two returns, it is a serious challenge for companies to ensure compliance.

From the point of view of the future of the EPR system, the tightening of official controls and the application of appropriate sanctions to comply with obligations will be crucial.

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