Rising tomato prices and shrinking supply in Poland

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 04. 10:49

In Poland, the tomato season entered the second phase, characterized by a decrease in supply and an increase in prices.

After minor price fluctuations at the beginning of the season, the market stabilized and prices started to increase in late August and early September. Currently, the wholesale price of ball tomatoes is around 4.16-4.5 PLN/kg (381-415 HUF/kg), which is 37% higher than the prices in mid-August.

The drop in prices earlier in the season was not unusual and did not dip below the levels of previous years. However, the current increase was to be expected, as supply usually decreases in the second half of the season, which naturally drives up prices. Further price increases are expected in the coming weeks as fewer tomatoes enter the market.

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