The desire of Hungarians to travel abroad increased in the second quarter

By: STA Date: 2022. 09. 09. 08:23

Between April and June of this year, Hungarians traveled abroad 4.7 million times, 53 percent more than in the period affected by the epidemic a year earlier, but compared to the second quarter of 2019, the number of trips showed a 24 percent drop, according to the Central Statistics Office ( KSH) from its quarterly publication.

Those who could, vacationed abroad and gained new experiences (Photo: Pixabay)

Most people visited Austria, Slovakia and Romania, two-thirds of the trips were directed to these countries. Hungarians spent an average of 2.7 days abroad, 0.8 days more than a year earlier. According to KSH data, Hungarians traveling abroad spent HUF 245 billion at current prices, which is more than three times the amount a year earlier and 10 percent more than in the second quarter of 2019. Hungarians spent an average of HUF 19,500 per person per day abroad, compared to HUF 11,600 in the base period. Based on the breakdown by country, Hungarian travelers spent the most in Austria (HUF 48 billion), but visitors to Germany and Italy also spent significantly (HUF 31 billion and 18 billion).

Foreigners made 10.9 million trips to our country during the same period

The number of visits increased by 41 percent compared to the same quarter of the previous year, but was only 75 percent of the second quarter of 2019. The time spent by immigrants in Hungary increased to 25.2 million days, which exceeded the base period of the previous year by one third. Those arriving for several days spent an average of 5.6 days in Hungary during one trip, which is a drop of almost one-third compared to the previous year. Foreigners visiting our country spent HUF 556 billion at current prices in the second quarter of 2022, almost twice as much as in the same period of the previous year, and barely 1 percent less than in the second quarter of 2019 before the epidemic. The amount of expenses of those arriving for one day (HUF 132 billion) increased by one and a half times, and that of those arriving for several days (HUF 424 billion) by almost two and a half times compared to the period a year earlier. The largest amount (HUF 88 billion) was spent by visitors from Austria: more than two-fifths of their expenses were spent on health care, one-fifth on leisure, entertainment and health-preserving trips, and another fifth on shopping. Those arriving from Germany spent HUF 56 billion in Hungary on mostly private trips. Those arriving for business purposes spent HUF 16 billion, and those arriving for work purposes HUF 7 billion, they wrote.

According to the KSH’s summary, the foreign spending of Hungarian tourists exceeded the spending of foreigners visiting our country by HUF 311 billion in the second quarter.